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Project Management System

Project Management System: With this release we have introduced a powerful and easy to use project management system.


Project Management System: With this release we have introduced a powerful and easy to use project management system. Wherein user can manage project by Project Estimation, Scheduling, Cost control, budgeting, resource allocation, task allocation and dashboard which enable user to view progress across all your projects, monitor timelines, and share project status in real-time

A Separate icon for Projects is given on Menu bar


Upon click of Projects menu listing page of Projects are displayed.


On click of time setting user will get option to list out workings days, hours in day, week and month.


On Click of Setting


Setting page is displayed wherein user can setup Roles, Cost and Employee.


On Click of Role, listing page of role details will be displayed and then click on + Role


Pop up screen will be displayed wherein Role Name and Description can be entered and save.


On click of Cost, listing page of cost details for role will be displayed and then click on + Cost


Pop up will be displayed wherein user can select Company GSTIN, Role, enter cost code/name or user can also copy existing cost.

User can also add cost type as Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Rates also provision given to mark any one as default.


On Click of Employee, listing page of employee details will be displayed then click on + Contact


Upon click of + Contact, user will be redirected to Add Contact screen wherein contact type to be select as Employee and after entering respective mandatory fields, user can create employee.


On listing page, click on + Project to create new project.


User can fill all mandatory fields marked with “*”. Also provision given to attach project related document, Project estimated cost can be entered manually or can be auto calculated from task cost, provision given to enter mark-up profit percentage accordingly profit is auto calculated.

Few additional fields are made available to capture actual project cost, actual project revenue and actual profit.

Once all the project details are captured then project can save as draft or in progress.


Once project details are saved, then project details are available in view mode.


Task wise view page is made available to monitor tasks. Also in case if any of the user working on particular task, then while working user can click on start timer and system will record time spend by user on particular task.

Option given to raise quote and invoice from task view page.


On Project listing page, user can click on + Task to create new task


New task can be created upon selection of Project, Enter task name and task code, selection of cost master and cost type (Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Rates) and checking particular task as Billable or if not billable then same to be remain uncheck. Provision given to add note if required by marking check box.

Task Group can added from dashboard and same can be picked while creating task, so that task can monitor Group wise. Also task category can selected as high, medium or low to prioritize each task.


Task timelines can be setup in summary or details. Upon selection of timelines as summary user can capture time required for task in Hours/Days/Weeks/Months, task start date, leaves/Idle time, task end date is auto, billable time (Hours/Days/Weeks/Months).

Separate section for task cost is also made available wherein on the basis of task cost, cost out and common cost (provision given to allocation specific amount from expense), total cost is auto calculated thereafter as per entered margin percentage billable is calculated.


Upon selection of timelines as details user can capture work breakdown structure of task by entering description, task type (goods/services), staff, employee role, cost master, cost, cost unit, time required for task in Hours/days/Weeks/Months, task start date, leaves/Idle Time, task end, billable time, billable time unit, cost item, account mapping, total cost.

Separate section for task cost is also made available wherein on the basis of task cost, cost out and common cost (provision given to allocation specific amount from expense), total cost is auto calculated thereafter as per entered margin percentage billable is calculated.


We have given provision to view project progress on dashboard, on project listing page under action user need to click on dashboard button.


Upon selection of project name, Project start date, due date and time lag is displayed along with tasks details like task completion percentage, time spent, time remaining, total cost, total time required and billable time, number of users assigned for task.


We have also given provision to add Task Group from dashboard, to add task group user can click on +add task group.


Provision given to filter task on the basis of staff assigned, task due date, remaining time (In days) and delayed task (In days). Once filter is/are applied then task are displayed on dashboard as per given filter criteria.


On click of List view, dashboard shall be displayed in list view.


Upon click of Progress view, dashboard to be displayed in progress view with progress bar stating percentage of work completed.


We’re always excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please email us at:

Arpita Bora is leading the content writing team at HostBooks Limited. She has pursued her Masters in Commerce. With over 4.5 years of experience in technical and creative writing, she specializes in both long and short-form digital content.

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