Neo Desktop app release with Password Protection, Multiple Business, Barcode print, License key generation, Stock Alerts & Maintain, Payment Term, Discount Management, Detailed Import of Party, Detailed Import of Inventory, Detailed Import of Bank Statements, Credit/Debit note linking with original invoice no, Transaction view and Quick Action Buttons.

Neo Desktop app release with Password Protection, Multiple Business, Barcode print, License key generation, Stock Alerts & Maintain, Payment Term, Discount Management, Detailed Import of Party, Detailed Import of Inventory, Detailed Import of Bank Statements, Credit/Debit note linking with original invoice no, Transaction view and Quick Action Buttons.

Features Summary:
  • Password Protection.
  • Multiple Business.
  • Barcode print.
  • License key generation.
  • Stock Alerts & Maintain
  • Payment Term.
  • Discount Management.
  • Detailed Import of Party.
  • Detailed Import of Inventory.
  • Detailed Import of Bank Statements.
  • Credit/Debit note linking with original invoice no.
  • Transaction view.
  • Quick Action Buttons.

Password Protection: With this release we have given provision to lock your app. User can lock app here

Slide menu → Screen Lock.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Unlock Screen: User can set unlock here.


Multi Business Management: With this release we have given provision to manage multiple business. User can add multiple business here.

Slide menu → Businesses.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Add Business: User can add business here.


Stock Alerts and Maintain: With this release we have given provision to Stocks also can see stock alerts message on dashboard.

Slide menu → Inventory → Setting → Levels.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Enable Stock Maintain & Stock Alert from Inventory Settings: Enable here from settings.


Set Stock: User can set stock here.


Allow Negative Quantity: If user tick on allow negative quantity he can sell item until mention limit is not exceed.


Validation Message: If user try to sell more quantity then this message will show.


Stock Alerts on Dashboard: Stock alert will show on dashboard like this. User can see which item is out of stock.


Stock out Items Listing: User can see low stock items here.


Payment Term: With this release we have given provision to set payment term and apply interest. User can make payment term here.

Slide menu → Settings → Payment Term.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Add Button: Add Payment Term from here.


Add Payment Term: User can add Payment Term here.


Payment Terms listing and Action button: Added Payment will be shown here. Also user can edit, Inactive and delete term from action button.


Payment Term enable from: User can enable payment term from settings.


Select Payment Term and apply interest on invoice: User can select Payment Term and apply interest on invoice.


Debit Note Listing: Debit note will generate auto with refrence of perticular invoice no.


Discount: With this release we have given provision to apply various discount like Item wise, Party Wise, Promo Item level, Promo invoice level.

Slide menu → Discount

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Add Discount Button: User can add discount from here.


Create Discount: User can create discount here.


Item Level Discount apply: User can apply item level discount by click on this button.


Available Discounts: Available discount will be shown like this.


Invoice level Discount: User can apply item level discount by click on this button.


Available Discounts: Available discount will be shown like this.


Detailed Party Import: With this release we have given provision to detailed import of Party. User can also import detailed data of party also import other app data.

Slide menu → Utilities → Party Import.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Select Template Type: User can select template here.


Import Supported Fields: User can map fields as per supported fields.


Mapping Screen: User can map excel sheet fields here.


Table Contains Header: User set file header as per requirement.


Detailed Inventory Import: With this release we have given provision to detailed import of Inventory. User can also import detailed data of inventory also import other app data.

Slide menu → Utilities → Inventory Import.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Select Template Type: User can select template here.


Import Supported Fields: User can map fields as per supported fields.


Mapping Screen: User can map excel sheet fields here.


Bank Statements Import: If user click on statements buttons then statements import screen will open.

Slide menu → Reconcile → Statements.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Select Template Type: User can select template here.


Import Supported Fields: User can map fields as per supported fields.


Mapping Screen: User can map excel sheet fields here.


Credit/Debit Note Linking with Original Invoice No: With this release we have given provision to link original invoice with Credit/ Debit Note. User can select invoice and generate credit and debit note.

Slide menu → Sales → Credit/ Debit Note.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Transaction View: With this release we have given provision to view Transaction (Sales, Purchase, Party, and Report).

Slide menu → Transaction Screens.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Barcode Setting: With this release we have given provision to create barcode and print it.

Slide menu → Settings → Barcode Setting.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.

Create Barcode: User can create barcode here.


Barcode Print in Inventory: Barcode will print when user click on barcode print button.


Select Template: User can select template here for print.


Quick Actions: With this release we have given provision to Quick action button. User can create Sale, Purchase, and Expense and make Payment from dashboard.

Slide menu → Dashboard → Quick Buttons.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


License Generation: With this release we have given provision to Generate license. User can click on any pro module and generate license as per requirements.

Slide menu → Any Upgrade Button.

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Upgrade to PRO: Click on Upgrade Button.


Select Plan: Select Plan here as per requirements.


Details Screen: Fill the mandatory details and click on Proceed Payment Button.


We’re always excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please email us at:

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