Provision to generate E-Invoice, Payables Ageing Summary, Receivables Ageing Summary, Calculator and Bug fixes, Enhancement and Improvements

Provision to generate E-Invoice, Payables Ageing Summary, Receivables Ageing Summary, Calculator and Bug fixes, Enhancement and Improvements.


E-Invoice: Provision to generate E-Invoice after creation of Sales Invoice and auto filled details related to E-invoice i.e. Generate IRN, Acknowledge Number and Date, and QR code in Sale Invoice. Details of Invoice can also be fetched through scanning Bar code generated over sales Invoice. Also provision to Cancel IRN of any Invoice is made available post generation in case of any errors.

Configuration to Enable E-Invoicing >> Settings >> Financial Setting >> Enable E-Invoicing


Provision to generate IRN (Acknowledgement Date, Acknowledgement Number, IRN Number and QR code)

Generate IRN
QR Code

Provision to Cancel IRN with Reason and Remarks

Cancel IRN

Payables Ageing Summary: A report with details of payable to Vendor with Ageing period & due amount along with extensive filter and columns which provide complete visibility and analysis of Ageing period and due amount to vendors.


Receivables Ageing Summary: A report with details of receivable from Customer with Ageing period & receivable amount along with extensive filter and columns which provide complete visibility and analysis of Ageing period and due amount from customer.


Calculator: In this release Provision given to do calculation using calculator on screen without navigating between applications.


Fixes: Issues resolved in release version 2.05

Sr. ID Description Status
1 12011 While adding line item in Sales Invoice if stock of particular item is insufficient then alert is to enable for negative stock and also while approving transaction alert of negative stock is to be displayed. Resolved
2 14971 Unable to Download Sales bill after editing Layout and Field in New Templates. Resolved
3 15396 Customer name is not displaying in the any new print template of accounting software as customer. Resolved
4 15720 Issue while importing flipkart template in Accounting. After loading file tested import successfully and while importing not processing and showing 0%. Resolved

Enhancement: Enhancement in release version 2.05

Sr. ID Description Status
1 14116 Provision to enter 2 license number in company setting. Resolved
2 15507 Bill No field to be added in purchase register analytics report. Resolved

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Arpita Bora is leading the content writing team at HostBooks Limited. She has pursued her Masters in Commerce. With over 4.5 years of experience in technical and creative writing, she specializes in both long and short-form digital content.

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