Add TDS Report (Txn wise), Add Item Stock Report, Add VAT Report, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Master Series, Add Item Stock Report, Add Movable Storage Tracking, Add Movable Storage Stock, etc.
December 16, 2023
Add Business Flow Settings, Add Over due amount, Total amount in Print, Add MTN & MTR fields in Document customization settings, Add TDS Payment in Sales, Add Group and Attribute Import in Pro inventory, Add PO reference for auto Bill Payment in Advance Payment, Add BOM Explode, Add Pending Approval report, Add Print Preview for Spend Money, Receive Money, Manual Journal, Expense, etc.
February 28, 2024

Add Vendor Ageing Report, Customer Ageing Report, Add short code of Group & Attribute in Pro Inventory, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Batch Report, Add Sales Order for Alert, Add VAN Sale, Add Dispatch Plan, etc.

Add Vendor Ageing Report, Customer Ageing Report, Add short code of Group & Attribute in Pro Inventory, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Batch Report, Add Sales Order for Alert, Add VAN Sale, Add Dispatch Plan, etc.

S.No. Description Type
1. Sales/Bill – Add Branch Transfer column on listing page Enhancement
2. Sales/Bill – Add Search contact by contact mobile Enhancement
3. User Management – Add Export Enhancement
4. On Account Payment/On Account Receipt – Add search contact by contact code Enhancement
5. Report – Vendor Ageing Report New Features
6. Report – Customer Ageing Report New Features
7. Sales/Bill – Provide reverse status of PO/SO Enhancement
8. Pro Inventory – Add short code of Group & Attribute New Features
9. Pro Inventory – Add Batch Series Rule New Features
10. Export – Add fields in Purchase Credit Note Enhancement
11. Export – Add fields in Purchase Debit Note Enhancement
12. Export – Add fields in Sales Credit Note Enhancement
13. Export – Add fields in Sales Debit Note Enhancement
14. Report – Add Batch Report Enhancement
15. Alert – Add Sales Order New Features
16. Sales/Delivery Challan – Add VAN Sale New Features
17. Sales Order – Add Dispatch Plan New Features
18. Multi Dimension – Add Mandatory allocation Enhancement
19. TDS – Add Lower deduction Enhancement

Sales/Bill – Add Branch Transfer column on listing page: With this release, we have given to add Branch Transfer column on listing page. You can see whose transaction has generated through Branch transfer.

Available Here: Sales → Invoice → Invoice Listing

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales/Bill – Add Search contact by contact mobile: With this release, we have given to add search contact by contact mobile. You can search any contact through mobile no in add/edit transaction.

Available Here: Sales → Invoice → Add/edit Invoice

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


User Management – Add Export: With this release, we have given to add export feature in User Access Manager. You can export the data in excel sheet.

Available Here: Settings → Admin Configurations → User Management → User Access

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


On Account Payment/On Account Receipt – Add search contact by contact code: With this release, we have given to add search contact by contact code.

Available Here: Banking → Payments → On Account Payment

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Vendor Ageing Report: With this release, we have given to add branch wise vendor pending amounts. You can see how much amount is pending for how many days.

Available Here: Report → Purchase → Vendor Ageing Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Customer Ageing Report: With this release, we have given to add branch wise customer pending amounts. You can see how much amount is pending for how many days.

Available Here: Report → Sales → Customer Ageing Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales/Bill – Provide reverse status of PO/SO: With this release, we have provided the reverse status of Sales / Bill transactions created through PO/SO. You can delete Sales/Bill, and then SO/PO is changed into Approved instead of SO Fully Invoices and PO Fully Billed.

Available Here: Sales → Sales Order → View Sales Order option

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Now delete the Invoice that are created concerning SO.


Pro Inventory – Add short code of Group & Attribute: With this release, we have given to auto generation code and name in Pro inventory with help of short name of Group and Attribute

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory Option → Add Group/Add Attribute

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.

Add attribute short code


Add Group short code


Pro Inventory – Add Batch Series Rule: With this release, we have provision to add Batch wise series rule. You set the Batch series rule in Job Work & Production as Manual & Auto. In Auto, you can set the series Transaction Date, warehouse, Item Name, etc.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory Option → Batch Series Setting Rules

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Export – Add fields in Purchase Credit Note: With this release, we have provision to add more fields in Export.

Available Here: Purchase → Purchases → Credit Note

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Export – Add fields in Purchase Debit Note: With this release, we have provision to add more fields in Export.

Available Here: Purchase → Purchases → Debit Note

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Export – Add fields in Sales Credit Note: With this release, we have provision to add more fields in Export.

Available Here: Sales → Invoice → Credit Note

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Export – Add fields in Sales Debit Note: With this release, we have provision to add more fields in Export.

Available Here: Sales → Invoice → Debit Note

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add Batch Report: With this release, we have provision to add Batch wise item Report. You can view Batch wise items Inward & Outwards qty and amount of Sales & Bill.

Available Here: Reports → Inventory → Batch Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Alert – Add Sales Order: With this release, we have provision to add alert mail & SMS option for Sales Order.

Available Here: Settings → Alert Settings → Add Alert

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales/Delivery Challan – Add VAN Sale: With this release, we have provision to add VAN sale option in Delivery Challan and Sales Invoice. You can link warehouse with VAN Sale and move to Delivery Challan in VAN Sale. You can directly move Sale Invoice in VAN Sale without Delivery Challan.

Available Here: Sales → Delivery Challan → Add Delivery Challan

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Create Invoice


Sales Order – Dispatch Plan: With this release, we have provision to add Dispatch Plan. You can create dispatch after sales order. You can pick the item from picklist and move it for Ready Dispatch. After that you can loaded.

Available Here: Sales Invoice → Sale Order → Dispatch Plan

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Multi Dimension – Add Mandatory allocation: With this release, we have provision to add Mandatory allocation in Account Head. You can set the Account type through dimension allocation which are mandatory while creating Invoice/ Bill.

Available Here: Settings → Finance Settings → Multi Dimension → Add Multi Dimension

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Account is mandatory while creating Invoice with dimension allocation


TDS – Add Lower deduction: With this release, we have provision to add lower deduction option in Contact TDS Settings. You can set lower deduction with Certificate No.

Available Here: Contacts → All Contact → Add Contact → TDS Settings

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.



Bug Id Discription
Client Issue Repeating invoice and Repeating bill is not generated
Client Issue We convert a sales order to a purchase order, the shipping address in the sales order should be fetched as the receiving area address in the purchase order
Client Issue Add missing HSN code
Client Issue Zero value Invoice/Bill should come in Receivable Aging Summary Report
Client Issue If Cheque No is available and unique but the amount, description, and date are the same, then we should import the statement as per Cheque unique.
Client Issue Provide Multiline Bank Reconciliation Option through Manual Journal
Client Issue Data is coming in Customer Ageing Report from sales Debit / Credit Notes, Advance receipts, On Account receipts, Adhoc Receipts, Other receipts, Manual journal
Client Issue Data is coming in Vendor Ageing Report from sales Debit / Credit Notes, Advance receipts, On Account receipts, Adhoc Receipts, Other receipts, Manual journal
Client Issue Issue in Warehouse Report & Physical Stock
Client Issue Reversing Date is not correct in Manual Journal
Client Issue When posting Bill of Supply from ERP, GST rate is taken as BLANK instead of “NON-GST”. Item master is mapped under “Non-GST”
Client Issue Unable to Transaction view of Pro Inventory
Client Issue 500 error is coming, when copy a MTN (Auto Consumption)
Client Issue In Client Data base MRN , MTN (Listing should be coming According to Branch wise)

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