Add remarks in Quote, Add declaration in Print, Add User Access Manager in User management, Add Branch wise lock date, Add Project Summary Report, Add Advance TDS Adjustment, etc.
December 2, 2023
Add Vendor Ageing Report, Customer Ageing Report, Add short code of Group & Attribute in Pro Inventory, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Batch Report, Add Sales Order for Alert, Add VAN Sale, Add Dispatch Plan, etc.
December 30, 2023

Add TDS Report (Txn wise), Add Item Stock Report, Add VAT Report, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Master Series, Add Item Stock Report, Add Movable Storage Tracking, Add Movable Storage Stock, etc.

Add TDS Report (Txn wise), Add Item Stock Report, Add VAT Report, Add Batch Series Rule, Add Master Series, Add Item Stock Report, Add Movable Storage Tracking, Add Movable Storage Stock, etc.

S.No. Description Type
1. Report – Add TDS Report (Txn wise) New Features
2. Report – Add column in TDS Report Summary Enhancement
3. Report – Add Item Stock Report New Features
4. Contact – Add Reason Master Enhancement
5. Contact – Add Ledger code Enhancement
6. Pro Inventory – Add short Name & Code in Attribute Enhancement
7. Sales Order – Add Route Code & Delivery Date on listing Enhancement
8. Picklist – Add Consolidated picklist report Enhancement
9. Cost Centre – Add Cost Centre Code in export Enhancement
10. Report – Add VAT Report New Features
11. Pro Inventory – Add Batch Series Rule New Features
12. Contact/Pro Inventory – Add Master Series New Features
13. Report – Add Item Stock Report New Features
14. Report – Add Movable Storage Tracking New Features
15. Report – Add Movable Storage Stock New Features
16. Print Template – Add fields in Sales Order Enhancement
17. Print Template – Add fields in Purchase Order Enhancement
18. Warehouse – Linked main store to sub store Enhancement

Report – Add TDS Report (Txn wise): With this release, we have given to add transaction wise TDS report. You can see details wise TDS transaction.

Available Here: Reports → Tax Reports → TDS Report (Txn wise)

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add column in TDS Report Summary: With this release, we have given to add column

Available Here: Reports → Tax Reports → TDS Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add Item Stock Report: With this release, we have given to add Item Stock Report. You can the items as per Item wise, Batch wise and Attribute wise.

Available Here: Reports → Inventory → Item Stock Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Contact – Add Reason Master: With this release, we have given to add reason master when archive the contact and restore the contact.

Available Here: Contacts → Contact listing

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Add contact Reason in Reason Master


Contact – Add Ledger code: With this release, we have given to add ledger code as contact option in Contact Setting. You can set contact code as ledger code.

Available Here: Contacts → Contact Settings

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Add short Name & Code in Attribute: With this release, we have provision to add short name and code in attribute.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory → Inventory Option → Attribute

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


You can generate Inventory short name as per Generate Name.


You can generate Inventory short code as per Generate Code.


Sales Order – Add Route Code & Delivery Date on listing: With this release, we have given to route code and delivery date wise search option on Sales Order listing page. You can search the Sales Order via delivery date.

Available Here: Reports → Sales Order → Sales Order listing

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Picklist – Add Consolidated picklist report: With this release, we have given to add consolidated picklist report.

Available Here: Reports → Inventory → Inventory list report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Cost Centre – Add Cost Centre Code in export: With this release, we have given to add Cost centre code in Excel Export.

Available Here: Settings → Finance Settings → Cost Centre → Export

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add VAT Report: With this release, we have provision to add VAT report. You can get the details as Tax Rate and Branch wise.

Available Here: Reports → Purchase → VAT Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Add Batch Series Rule: With this release, we have provision to add Batch wise series rule. You set the Batch series rule as Manual & Auto. In Auto, you can set the series Transaction Date, warehouse, Item Name, etc.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory Option → Batch Series Setting Rules

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Contact/Pro Inventory – Add Master Series: With this release, we have provision to add Contact and Pro Inventory series settings. You can set the Branch wise also.

Available Here: Settings → Custom Configurations → Master Series

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add Item Stock Report: With this release, we have provision to add Item Stock Report. You can see the available stock in a Crate as Item, Batch, and Warehouse.

Available Here: Reports → Inventory → Item Stock Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.

Report – Add Movable Storage Tracking: With this release, we have provision to add movable storage tracking report. You can see how many Crate IN and OUT in storage.

Available Here: Reports → Utility Reports → Movable Storage Tracking

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add Movable Storage Stock: With this release, we have provision to add movable storage stock report. You can see whether Crate & Pallet are in the warehouse, empty or a Third Party.

Available Here: Reports → Utility Reports → Movable Storage Stock

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Print Template – Add fields in Sales Order: With this release, we have provision to add fields in Sales Order Print template i.e. Order Type, Conversion Type, Delivery Schedule, Nature, etc.

Available Here: Settings → Template Configuration → Print Template

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Print Template – Add fields in Purchase Order: With this release, we have provision to add fields in Sales Order Print template i.e. Order Type, Conversion Type, Delivery Schedule, Nature, etc.

Available Here: Settings → Template Configuration → Print Template

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Warehouse – Linked main store to sub store: With this release, we have provision to add Main Store to Sub Store in warehouse.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Warehouse/Godown → Create Warehouse

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.



Bug Id Discription
Client Issue Provide Sr. No and remove License No from BOM Print
Client Issue Unable to import Bank Statement
Client Issue Not able to search account with contact code in On account receipt and on account payment entry
Internal Delivery date filter added in Sales Order Listing
Client Issue Added GSTIN Search option in Contact listing
Client Issue when we convert a sales order to a purchase order, the shipping address in the sales order should be fetched as the receiving area address in the purchase order
Client Issue Unable to create Invoice via Repeating Sales
Client Issue Assets Description is not coming in Fixed Assets Report
Client Issue Unable to create Fixed assets with multi-level group
Client Issue After delete invoice data remains showing in GRN vs Invoice Report
Internal Add Salary Section in TDS (192)

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