Add new PO with the reference of previous PO, Add zero unit price in Sales Invoice, Quote, & Sales Order, Add Crate wise items adjustment, Add six digits decimal for currency conversion rate, Add multi send mail option in PO, Add back date update restriction, Add Auto Series option in Production Entry, Add Job Work Status Report etc.
June 24, 2024
Add Category, Group, Cost Centre, Department & Dept & Cost Centre wise export in Inventory Consumption Report, Add auto consumption option in delivery challan, Add hide & show options in customization setting of Purchase Requisition, Add Transfer Price in Purchase Requisition customization settings, Add permission for Storage Management, etc.
July 8, 2024

Add MRP validation in Sales, Bill & Pro Inventory, Add PDC export report, Add Job work return options, Add Job work return report, Add Eliminations field in Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account etc.

Add MRP validation in Sales, Bill & Pro Inventory, Add PDC export report, Add Job work return options, Add Job work return report, Add Eliminations field in Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account etc.

S.No. Description Type
1. Cash Flow Statement Report – Add Export option Enhancement
2. Pro Inventory – Add default selected Negative Stock Restriction Enhancement
3. Sales Report – Add UOM Colum Enhancement
4. Price List – Add date wise price validation Enhancement
5. Stock Category Summary Report – Add Branch wise report Enhancement
6. BOM, Job work BOM, & Dispatch – Add auto series option Enhancement
7. Sales, Bill & Pro Inventory – Add MRP validation New Features
8. Expense – Add TDS Section and TDS Rate Column in excel export Enhancement
9. Sales & Bill – Add Conversion rate in view mode Enhancement
10. Payable Ageing Summary – Add large data export option Enhancement
11. Production entry – Add download Barcode button Enhancement
12. Physical stock verification – Add Crate field in import Enhancement
13. Physical Stock Verification – Add Crate & Pallet fields in excel export Enhancement
14. BOM – Add BOM Listing page Enhancement
15. Report – Add PDC export report New Features
16. Item issue report – Add MTN detail in excel export Enhancement
17. MRN Customization Settings – Add UOM, UOC, Item & Description Enhancement
18. Job Work – Add Job work return options New Features
19. Report – Add Job work return report New Features
20. Report – Add Eliminations field in Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account New Features

Cash Flow Statement Report – Add Export option: With this release, we have provision to add export features. You can export the data in EXCEL, and CSV

Available Here: Reports → Financial → Cash Flow Statement

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Pro Inventory – Add default selected Negative Stock Restriction: With this release, we have a provision to add default selected Negative Stock Restriction in Pro Inventory customization setting. You can change Negative Stock Restriction accordingly.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Customization

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales Report – Add UOM Colum: With this release, we have a provision to add UOM column in Sales Report and also provide in export.

Available Here: Report → Sales → Sales Report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Price List – Add date wise price validation: With this release, we have a provision to add date wise price in price list. You set the price of an item in April month and take a different price in May month, when you create an invoice in April it takes the April month price of the item, and when you create an invoice for May month it takes the May price.

Available Here: Settings → Price, Discount and Commission Management → Price and Discount List → Add Price

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Stock Category Summary Report – Add Branch wise report: With this release, we have given to add Stock Category Summary report as branch wise. You can see the Stock as Branch wise.

Available Here: Purchase → Purchase Requisition → Add Purchase Requisition

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


BOM, Job work BOM, & Dispatch – Add auto series option: With this release, we have provision to add series option in BOM, Job work BOM & Dispatch. You can set the series to automatically generate the series.

Available Here: Settings → Custom Configurations → Document Series → BOM Manufacturing/BOM

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales, Bill & Pro Inventory – Add MRP validation: With this release, we have provision to add MRP validation in Sales, Bill and Pro Inventory. You don’t take Unit price greater than MRP.

Available Here: Settings → Custom Configurations → Document Customizations → Sales/Bill
Pro Inventory → Customization

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.



Pro Inventory


Expense – Add TDS Section and TDS Rate Column in excel export: With this release, we have provided the facility to add TDS Section and TDS rate column in Expense Excel Export.

Available Here: Purchase → Expense → Export

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Sales & Bill – Add Conversion rate in view mode: With this release, we have provided the facility to add conversion rate on Sales/Bill view mode.

Available Here: Sales → Invoice → Export

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Payable Ageing Summary – Add large data export option: With this release, we have a provision to add large data export option. You can export 5k transaction in a single click.

Available Here: Report → Sales → Payable Ageing Summary → Export Request

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Production entry – Add download Barcode button: With this release, we have provision to add download Barcode option. You can see the Barcode Print template.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Production → Production Entry → Production Entry view

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Physical stock verification – Add Crate field in import: With this release, we have provision to add crate wise item import. You select crate storage option and import the item as Crate & Pallet.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory Options → Physical Stock Verification → Add Physical Stock Verification → Import

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Physical Stock Verification – Add Crate & Pallet fields in excel export: With this release, we have provision to add crate and pallet fields on excel export.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory Options → Physical Stock Verification → Add Physical Stock Verification → Download

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


BOM – Add BOM Listing page: With this release, we have given add BOM listing page. You can see all BOM in a single page.

Available Here: Pro Inventory → Inventory Options → BOM

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add PDC export report: With this release, we have provided the facility to add PDC export report. You can see customer wise all outstanding amount, received amount and balance amount. You can download the data in PDF.

Available Here: Report → Customer Report → PDC Export

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Item issue report – Add MTN detail in excel export: With this release, we have given to add MTN No, MTN date in export.

Available Here: Report → Inventory → Item issue report → Export

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


MRN Customization Settings – Add UOM, UOC, Item & Description: With this release, we have given to add UOM, UOC, Item & description fields in customization setting for hide and show.

Available Here: Report → Custom Configurations → Document Customization → MRN

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Job Work – Add Job work return options: With this release, we have given to add Job work Return. When item is rejected from QC then you can create Job work return of that item.

Available Here: Sales → Delivery Challan → DC view mode → DC type

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add Job work return report:With this release, we have a provision to add details of Job work return details.

Available Here: Report → Utility Reports → Job work return report

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


Report – Add Eliminations field in Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account: With this release, we have provision to add Eliminations column in export. You can see the inter branch transfer amount from one branch to another branch in eliminations column.

Available Here: Report → Admin Configurations → Import-Export → Report → Branch wise Trading & Profit and Loss Account

Please referrer below screenshot for your help.


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