How to Create Manufacturing Journal?
How to open Manufacturing Journal?
Journals → Manufacturing Journal
In this page, you will be able to see list of all Manufacturing Journals that you have already added into the software and you can also create Manufacturing Journal.
By default, after clicking on Manufacturing Journal, listing page of Manufacturing Journal will appear.
You can view Manufacturing Journal which are:
- Draft,
- Posted, and
- Voided
From the listing page you can check the following information about each Manufacturing Journal that have been entered into the software:
- Date
- Number
- Narration
- Reference
- Company GSTIN
- Amount
- Status

How to Create Manufacturing Journal?
You can create Manufacturing Journal one by one by clicking “+ Manufacturing Journal”

After clicking on “+ Manufacturing Journal” – New Manufacturing Journal form will be opened.

You are required to fill the following fields:-
- Company GSTIN
- Branch
- Category
- Date
- Journal Number
- Journal Type
- Stock Item
- Narration
- Reference
- Stock Quantity
- Waste Adjustment
- Item
- Description
- Waste Adjustment Account
- Item
- Description
- Waste Adjustment Account
- Waste Qty
- Quantity
- Unit Price
- Account
- Unit of Measurement
- Amount
- Overhead Cost
- Input Overhead
- Description
- Cost/Unit
- Total Amount
What Mandatory fields are required?
For creating the Manufacturing Journal you are required to fill some mandatory fields such as:-
- Journal Number
- Date
- Narration
- Stock Item
- Stock Quantity
How to set Auto-fields?
You can set some auto-fill functionalities for creating the Manufacturing Journal. Such Auto-Fields are:-
- Journal date:By default current date will be the Journal Date. You can also change the same.
- Branch (Auto):You are required to Add Branch in Organization Settings. Those added Branch list will appear at the time of creation of Manufacturing Journal.
- Category (Auto):You are required to Add Category in Organization Settings. Those added Category list will appear at the time of creation of Manufacturing Journal. For adding Category - Navigate to Settings -> Inventory Configuration -> Categories -> Add Category.
How to Save Manufacturing Journal?
You can save the Manufacturing Journal as Draft and Post.

How to select other Journal Type?
You can select Manufacturing, Consumption, Transfer, Wastage or Loss, Consume & Adjusted from Journal type drop-down list. The fields are showing according to selection of Journal Type.
Select Manufacturing

Select Consumption

Select Transfer

Select Wastage or Loss

Select Consume & Adjustment