How to Create Invoice

How to open Sales?

Sales-> invoice

In this page, you will be able to see the list of all Invoices that you have already added into the software and you can also create Sale Invoice, Export Invoice, Bill of Supply, Repeating Sale Invoice, Amendment Invoice, Export Amendment, and Amendment Credit Note.


After clicking on sales, Invoice listing page will appear.

You can also navigate to the other listing pages to view:

  • Advance and Adhoc Receipt
  • Credit Note and
  • Repeating Invoice.

You can view Invoices status in the webpage which are:

  • Draft
  • Awaiting Approval
  • Awaiting Receipt
  • Received
  • Void and
  • E-Invoice

From the listing page you can check the following information about each invoice that have been entered into the software:

  • Customer Name
  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • Due Date
  • Amount
  • Received amount
  • Due Type
  • Doc Type
  • Status of Invoice i.e. Draft, Submit for Approval, Awaiting Receipt etc.

How to Create Invoice?

You can create Invoice one by one by clicking "Sale" from the Invoice dropdown box.

After clicking on "Sale" - New Invoice form will be opened in the Create Sales Invoice window.

You are required to fill following details:-

  • Company GSTIN
  • Branch
  • Category
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Number
  • Due Date
  • Customer
  • Customer GSTIN
  • Place of Supply
  • Invoice Type
  • License No
  • Billing Address
  • Customer Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Warehouse Address
  • Suppliers Reference
  • Delivery note
  • Term of payment
  • Term Delivery
  • Dispatched
  • Destination
  • Currency
  • Default Account
  • Cash sale
  • Agent
  • Margin scheme
  • Amounts

Fill the Item Details from all the categories like:-

  • Item
  • Quantity
  • Discount
  • Description
  • Cost centre
  • Unit of Measurement
  • Unit of Conversion
  • Quantity
  • Qty allocate
  • Unit price
  • Account
  • Sale Type
  • MRP
  • Unit Price
  • Discount (%, Flat)
  • PTR/Unit
  • Add. Discount (%, Flat)
  • PTS/Unit
  • Subsidy
  • Freight/Unit
  • Delivery/Unit
  • Item Custom Fields
  • Account
  • Cost Centre
  • Taxable Amount
  • Tax Rate
  • Tax Amount
  • GST Rate
  • IGST
  • CGST
  • Cess (%, Flat)
  • Add. Cess
  • Nil/Exempt Rate

Check the Advanced Settings boxes such as:-

  • Reverse Charge
  • Income Tax TCS
  • Document Level Discount
  • Apply Rounding

Fill in the Bank Details:-

  • Bank Name
  • Account Number
  • Branch Name
  • IFSC Code

Other details in this window that can be used are:-

  • Customer Notes
  • Terms and Conditions

What Mandatory fields are required?

For creating the Invoice you are required to fill some mandatory fields such as:-

  • Invoice Number
  • Date
  • Due Date
  • Customer
  • Invoice Number
  • Date
  • Due Date
  • Customer
  • Place of Supply
  • Billing Address
  • Billing Zip Code
  • Quantity
  • Unit Price
  • Account
  • GST Rate

How to set Auto-fields?

You can set some auto-fill functionalities for creating the Invoice. Such Auto-Fields are:-

  1. Invoice date: By default current date will be the Invoice Date. You can also change the same.
  2. Invoice Due Date: By default Invoice due date is also given by the software. However, you can change the same.
  3. Branch (Auto): You are required to Add Branch in Management Tracking. Those added Branch list will appear at the time of creation of Invoice.

    For adding Branch - Navigate to Settings -> Organization Settings -> Location -> Add Branch.

  4. Category (Auto): You are required to Add a Category in Management Tracking. Those added Categories list will appear at the time of Invoice creation.

    For adding Category - Navigate to Settings -> Organization Settings -> Location -> Add Category.

  5. Invoice Number (Auto): Invoice Number will auto-populate from series as set by you in Document Series Settings. However, you can change the same.

    For Setting series - Navigate to Settings -> Custom Configuration -> Document Series -> Select Sales Invoice.

  6. Price Group (Auto): You are required to select a price group while creating a Price Group. All those price groups which has been added will auto appear in the list while creating Invoice

    For adding Price Group – Navigate to Settings -> Price, Discount and Commission Management -> Price and Discount Management

How to Hide/Unhide fields?

You can Hide/Unhide some fields from the Custom Configurations. By default, fields are unchecked in Document Customization. You can check those fields which you want to show in Invoice.

Navigate to Settings -> Custom Configurations -> Document Customization -> Select Sales Invoice.

How to Save Invoice?

You can save the Invoice into following three types:

  • Save as Draft
  • Save as Submit for Approval
  • Save as Approve

How to change the status of Invoice from Listing?

  1. Navigate to Draft listing from All Invoice listing and select the Invoice that you want to move in "Submit for Approval", "Approve", "Void", or "Delete".
  1. Navigate to Awaiting Approval listing from All Invoice listing and select the Invoice that you want to move in "Approve", "Void", or "Delete".
  1. Navigate to Awaiting Receipt listing from All Invoice listing and select the Invoice that you want to move in “Receive Payment”, “Void”, or “Delete”.
  1. Navigate to Void listing from All Invoice listing and select the Invoice that you want to "Delete".

How to receive payment of Invoice?

There are three ways to receive payment.

  1. Create an Invoice and click on Approve button then it will navigate to Invoice Listing Page. In the Invoice listing page, open the Invoice for which status is Awaiting Receipt in View Mode. Enter following details at the end of the window and click on Add Payment:
    • Amount Receipt
    • Date Paid
    • Account To
    • Reference/Description
  1. Navigate to Awaiting Receipt listing page from All Invoice listing and select the single or multiple Invoice against which are you want to "Receive Payment"

Click on Receive Payment then it will redirect you to Batch Receipt. Enter following fields and click on Save.

  • Receipt Date
  • Reference
  • Receipt Account
  • Payment
  1. Create an Invoice and click on Approve button then it will navigate to Invoice Listing Page. In the Invoice listing page, open the Invoice for which status is Awaiting Receipt in View Mode and click on Invoice Option -> Payment Link -> HB Elite.

Click on Open in the HB-Elite popup dialogue box.


After that click on Pay and receive the payment through Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking or UPI.


How to add Agent?

Create an Invoice and select the Agent check box to enable Agent column in the Item table. You can select the Agent from drop-down list in the below columns.


How to Create Cash Sale?

Create an Invoice and select the Cash Sale check box to enable Cash Sale Account.

You can select the Cash Sale Account from drop-down list.


How to manage Advanced Settings?

How to view Last 5 Invoice issued?