GST Software User Manual – Import
How do Import Sales Invoice through HB Excel Template in HB-GST?
Step 1: Click on the "Transactions" button after entering into the business
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left-below.
Step 3: Select 'Invoice type' would like to be import and then download excel template from the right.
Steps 4: Fill the invoice details in the excel template. Following details are required to be filled in the excel template:
- Invoice Date (Mandatory)
- Invoice Number (Mandatory)
- Customer Billing Name (Mandatory)
- Customer Billing GSTIN
- Invoice Type (Mandatory)
- Place of Supply (Mandatory)
- Is the item a GOOD or SERVICE (Mandatory)
- Item Description
- HSN or SAC code
- Item Quantity (Mandatory)
- Item Unit of Measurement
- Item Rate (Mandatory)
- Total Item Discount Amount
- Item Taxable Value (Mandatory)
- CGST Rate (Mandatory)
- CGST Amount
- SGST Rate (Mandatory)
- SGST Amount
- IGST Rate (Mandatory)
- IGST Amount
- CESS Rate
- CESS Amount
- Is Reverse Charge Applicable?
- Is Round Off
- Customer Billing Address
- Customer Billing City
- Customer Billing State
- Is this document cancelled?
- GSTIN of Ecommerce Marketplace
Step 5: Once data is filled in excel template upload the same here, before uploading it select the following:
- Select the Return Period (Monthly)
- Select the Invoice type downloaded in the Step 3
- Select excel file from computer.
- Click on 'Submit' button to proceed
Step 6: On uploading of excel template if any error found in the file, errors will be listed here. Click on 'Close' and correct the errors in excel file and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed for records uploaded. Click on 'OK' button to see the records in Sales listing
How do Import Sales Invoice through any Excel Template in HB-GST?
Step 1: Click on the “Transactions” button after entering into the business
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left-below.
Step 3: Go to 'Custom Import' tab and select invoice type would like to be imported.
- Select Header Row
- Select Data Input Row No.
- Choose file and Click on 'Upload' button
Steps 4: After click on upload user need to map columns of excel file with HB sales fields. Click on 'Save Mapped Fields' once all the fields mapped.
Steps 5: Review mapping before import of transactions and click on 'Edit Mapping' in case of any update required. Click on 'Import' button.
Steps 6: On uploading of excel template if any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. Click on 'Close' and correct the errors in excel file and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed message for upload the data in process. Click on 'OK' button to see the record in sales invoice listing page.
How do Import Purchase Invoice through HB Excel Template in HB-GST?
HB GST provides option to import purchase transactions through excel sheet. Here two types of excel template provided, based on user requirement:
- Detailed Excel Import with all fields.
- Quick Excel Import with limited fields for B2B purchases. [Refer How do I import B2B purchases quickly help file]
In this help file process to import purchase file quickly has been explained.
Step 1: Click on the "Transactions" button after entering into the business
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left-below.
Step 3: Select 'Purchase' invoice type would like to be import and then download excel template from the right.
Step 4: Fill the purchase invoice details in the excel template. Following details are required to be filled in the excel template.
- Invoice Date (Mandatory)
- Invoice Number (Mandatory)
- Vendor Name
- Vendor GSTIN
- Invoice Type
- Place of Origin
- Transaction Date (Mandatory)
- Is the item a GOOD or SERVICE (Mandatory)
- Item Description (Mandatory)
- HSN or SAC code
- Item Quantity (Mandatory)
- Item Unit of Measurement
- Item Rate
- Total Item Discount Amount
- Item Taxable Value (Mandatory)
- CGST Rate (Mandatory)
- CGST Amount
- SGST Rate (Mandatory)
- SGST Amount
- IGST Rate (Mandatory)
- IGST Amount
- CESS Rate (Mandatory)
- CESS Amount
- ITC Claim Type
- ITC Claim (%)
- ITC Claim CGST Amount
- ITC Claim SGST Amount
- ITC Claim IGST Amount
- ITC Claim CESS Amount
- Is Reverse Charge Applicable?
- Type of Import
- Bill of Entry Port Code
- Bill of Entry Number
- Bill of Entry Date
- Customer Billing Address
- Customer Billing City
- Customer Billing State
- Is this document cancelled?
- GSTIN of Ecommerce Marketplace
Step 5: Once data is filled in excel template upload the same here, before uploading it select the following:
- Select the Return Period (Monthly)
- Select the Invoice type downloaded in the Step 3
- Select excel file from computer.
- Click on 'Submit' button to proceed.
Step 6: On uploading of excel template if any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. Click on 'Close' and correct the errors in excel file and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed for records uploaded. Click on 'OK' button to see the records in purchase page.
How do Import B2B Purchase quickly through Excel Template in HB-GST?
HB GST provides option to import purchase transactions through excel sheet. Here two types of excel template provided, based on user requirement:
Detailed Excel Import with all fields. [Refer How to import purchase transaction through excel help file.]
Quick Excel Import with limited fields for B2B purchases
In this help file process to import purchase file quickly has been explained
Step 1: Click on the "Transactions" button after entering into the business
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left-below.
Step 3: Select 'Purchase' invoice type as 'Easy Import B2B' and then download excel template from the right.
Step 4: Fill the purchase invoice details in the excel template. Following details are required to be filled in the excel template:
- Vendor Name *
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date *
- Transaction Date
- Invoice Type
- Item Nature *
- Item Name
- Item Taxable Value *
- GST Rate *
- IGST Amount
- CGST Amount
- SGST Amount
- Cess Amount
- Invoice Value
- ITC Eligibility
- ITC Claim (%)
- RCM Applicable
Star * marked fields are mandatory to be filled.
Steps 5: Once data is filled in excel template upload the same here, before uploading it select the following:
- Select the Invoice type downloaded in the Step 3
- Select excel file from computer.
- Click on submit.
Steps 6: On uploading of excel template if any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. Click on 'Close' and correct the errors in excel file and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed for records uploaded. Click on 'OK' button to see the records in purchase page.
How to Import Flipkart sales through excel?
HB GST provides option to import sales transaction done through e-commerce platform. User just need to download excel from e-commerce and upload directly it into HB GST. Currently, excel sheet generated from Flipkart and Amazon can be imported into HB GST.
In this help file process to import sales done through Flipkart has been explained, refer How to Import Amazon sales through excel to know the process to import amazon sales.
Step 1: Click on the "Transactions" button after entering into the business
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left below.
Step 3: Click on the 'E-commerce' import tab.
Step 4: Download sales in excel from Flipkart website. It looks like as below screenshot.
Step 5: Before uploading excel select the following:
- Select the e-commerce template type as 'Flipkart Sellers from Indian State'.
- Choose file from the computer.
- Enter the header row number.
- Enter the data input row number.
- Click on 'Upload'.
Step 6: Once data uploaded, data will be display with auto map on screen. If any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. User need to change/ update the data in excel sheet and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed. See the record in sales invoice listing page.
How to Import Amazon sales through excel?
HB GST provides option to import sales transaction done through e-commerce platform. User just need to download excel from e-commerce and upload directly it into HB GST. Currently, excel sheet generated from Flipkart and Amazon can be imported into HB GST.
In this help file process to import sales done through Amazon has been explained, refer How to Import Flipkart sales through excel to know the process to import amazon sales.
Step 1: Click on the "Transactions" button after entering into the business
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left below.
Step 3: Click on the 'E-commerce' import tab.
Step 4: Download sales in excel from Amazon website. It looks like as below screenshot.
Step 5: Before uploading excel select the following:
- Select the e-commerce template type as 'Amazon Sellers from Indian State'.
- Choose file from the computer
- Enter the header row number.
- Enter the data input row number.
- Click on 'Upload'
Step 6: Once data uploaded, data will be display with auto map on screen. If any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. User need to change/ update the data in excel sheet and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed. See the record in sales invoice listing page.
How to Import Purchase Debit Credit Note through HB Excel template?
HB GST provides option to import purchase debit credit note transactions through excel sheet. Here two types of excel template provided, based on user requirement:
- Detailed Excel Import with all fields.
- Quick Excel Import with limited fields for B2B Debit Credit Note. [Refer How do I import B2B purchase debit credit note quickly help file.]
In this help file process to import purchase debit credit notes through excel sheet has been explained.
Step 1: Enter into the business and Click on 'Transactions' button.
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left and then Click on 'Purchase' tab
Step 3: Select 'purchase invoice type' as 'Credit Debit Note' and then download excel template from the right.
Step 4: Fill the purchase invoice details in the excel template. Following details are required to be filled in the excel template.
- Credit Debit Note Type (Mandatory)
- Credit Debit Note No (Mandatory)
- Credit Debit Note Date (Mandatory)
- Invoice Date (Mandatory)
- Invoice Number (Mandatory)
- Vendor Name
- Vendor GSTIN
- Invoice Type
- Place of Origin
- Transaction Date (Mandatory)
- Is the item a GOOD or SERVICE (Mandatory)
- Item Description (Mandatory)
- HSN or SAC code
- Item Quantity (Mandatory)
- Item Unit of Measurement
- Item Rate
- Total Item Discount Amount
- Item Taxable Value (Mandatory)
- CGST Rate (Mandatory)
- CGST Amount
- SGST Rate (Mandatory)
- SGST Amount
- IGST Rate (Mandatory)
- IGST Amount
- CESS Rate (Mandatory)
- CESS Amount
- ITC Claim Type
- ITC Claim (%)
- ITC Claim CGST Amount
- ITC Claim SGST Amount
- ITC Claim IGST Amount
- ITC Claim CESS Amount
- Is Reverse Charge Applicable?
- Type of Import
- Bill of Entry Port Code
- Bill of Entry Number
- Bill of Entry Date
- Customer Billing Address
- Customer Billing City
- Customer Billing State
- Is this document cancelled?
- GSTIN of Ecommerce Marketplace
Step 5: Once data is filled in excel template upload the same here, before uploading it select the following:
- Select the Return Period (Monthly)
- Select the Invoice type as 'Debit Credit Note' as downloaded in the Step 3
- Select excel file from computer.
- Click on 'Submit' button to proceed.
Step 6: On uploading of excel template if any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. Click on 'Close' and correct the errors in excel file and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed for records uploaded. Click on 'OK' button to see the records in purchase page.
How do I import B2B purchase Debit Credit notes quickly?
HB GST provides option to import purchase debit credit note transactions through excel sheet. Here two types of excel template provided, based on user requirement:
- Detailed Excel Import with all fields. [Refer How to import purchase debit credit note through excel help file.]
- Quick Excel Import with limited fields for B2B purchase Debit Credit Note.
In this help file process to import B2B purchase debit credit notes quickly has been explained.
Step 1: Enter into the business and Click on 'Transactions' button.
Step 2: Click on the 'Imports' tab from the left and then Click on 'Purchase' tab
Step 3: Select 'purchase invoice type' as 'Easy Import CDN' and then download excel template from the right.
Step 4: Fill the purchase invoice details in the excel template. Following details are required to be filled in the excel template:
- Vendor Name *
- Original Invoice Number*
- Original Invoice Date *
- Transaction Date
- Note Type*
- Note No*
- Note Date*
- Item Nature *
- Item Name
- Item Taxable Value *
- GST Rate *
- IGST Amount
- CGST Amount
- SGST Amount
- Cess Amount
- Invoice Value
- ITC Eligibility
- ITC Claim (%)
- RCM Applicable
- Star * marked fields are mandatory to be filled.
Steps 5: Once data is filled in excel template upload the same here, before uploading it select the following:
- Select the Invoice type as 'Easy Import CDN' as downloaded in the Step 3
- Select excel file from computer.
- Click on submit.
Steps 6: On uploading of excel template if any error found in the file, errors will be listed with line number here. Click on 'Close' and correct the errors in excel file and upload it again.
Step 7: On successful import of excel file a message will be displayed for records uploaded. Click on 'OK' button to see the records in purchase page.