Goods Receipt Note
Goods Receipt Note is a document that acknowledges the delivery of goods to a customer by a supplier. A GRN consists of a record of goods that the buyer has received. This record helps the customer compare the goods delivered against the goods ordered
In HB Accounts click on the Purchase tab and then select Goods Receipt Note from the drop down list

Following page opens, this shows the list of GRNs already in place

Click on Goods Receipt Note tab at the far right to create new GRN

Enter relevant details of Goods Received and Save
Filter the GRN list for
- Draft
- Awaiting Approval
- Approved
- Partially billed
- Fully Billed
- Void

On the GRN listing page you can Search for a GRN in the given Period and Parameters like
- Number
- Vendor
- Amount
- Reference

Create Bill Directly from GRN
Open an approved GRN and Click on the Goods Receipt Options at the far right, select create bill

Purchase Invoice creation page will open with all relevant details filled from GRN

Enter Bill no., Bill date and Save
You can also add multiple GRN to create a single Purchase Invoice.