March 30, 2020

Create Purchase Delivery Challan and generate ITC-04 summary

With this release, you can now add Purchase Delivery Challan for ITC-04 purpose. Also, easily prepare and file ITC-04 by uploading data to the GSTN portal.
February 4, 2020

Download sales and purchase data and GSTR filing status in excel

Export sales and purchase data in excel format, download JSON file of invoice-level details, hide CGST/SGST in an export invoice and get GSTR filing status in excel.
January 22, 2020

Import excel using custom fields for sales invoice, and eligibility of ITC updated on GSTR-3B as per Rule 36(4)

Import your sales invoice data in excel format using custom fields such as the number of header rows and the number of rows with input data. Availability of ITC on GSTR-3B as per Rule 36(4).
January 16, 2020

Generate CMP-08 XML, show/hide TDS and Labour Cess in sales invoice, CC field added

You can collapse/display the HSN and Unit of Measurement columns while creating a sales invoice. Show/hide TDS and Labour Cess from invoice settings, add CC email address when sending an invoice to the customer, and track last filing status of returns from Dashboard.
December 10, 2019

Functionality to activate/deactivate client and item

Ability to activate and deactivate items and clients, and import excel for purchase having the same number and different clients.
November 26, 2019

Create, edit, and view tax inclusive and tax exclusive invoices

You can now select tax inclusive & tax exclusive option in sales invoice, advance receipt and purchase bill. Reconcile GSTR-2A with purchase register by month and then view and compare the data in a dashboard.
October 24, 2019

Download and reconcile GSTR-1 & GSTR-3B data from GSTN

Reconcile your GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B monthly and annually by downloading data from GSTN.
October 16, 2019

Download GSTR-3B, Cash & ITC Balance, ITC Ledger details, Cash Ledger in excel form

Download GSTR-1 & GSTR-3B Reconciliation data, GSTR-3B, Cash & ITC Balance, ITC Ledger details, and Cash Ledger details in excel form.
October 14, 2019

Download and view GSTR-3B monthly, Cash & ITC balance, Cash Ledger from GSTN

You can now download and view month-wise GSTR-3B data, Cash & ITC available balance, ITC Ledger, and Cash Ledger from GSTN.

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